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吴军,本科及硕士毕业于清华大学,博士毕业于美国约翰∙霍普金斯大学,是著名的自然语言处理和搜索专家。2002年,进入Google,是Google反作弊(Anti Spam)的创始人,参与创建Google中日韩搜索部门,是中日韩搜索算法的主要设计者。2005年起,任约翰·霍普金斯大学计算机系董事会董事。2010年离开Google,加盟腾讯,任主管搜索业务的副总裁。2012年8月离开腾讯,回到Google。





1 、人生是一场马拉松,输赢不由起跑线决定





在吴军的印象里,父母晚上从不应酬,也不看什么电视,总是非常有规律地学习。现在,吴军的妈妈快80岁了,依然每天坚持学习。 吴军兄弟认为,父母的身教潜移默化地影响了他们,让他们养成了终身学习的习惯。而这一点,至关重要。




2 、名校为啥奉行通识教育,因为它能让你有能量一直跑下去

吴军提到,美国名校普遍认为大学教育分两个阶段:以通识教育为主的本科阶段,和以专业教育为主的研究生阶段。而本科阶段,学生们应该学“大行之道(Universal Knowledge)”,而不是“雕虫小技(Skills)”。

正如约翰·纽曼(John Henry Newman)在《大学的理念》(《The Idea of a University》)一书中所说的:“先生们,如果让我必须在那种由老师管着、选够学分就能毕业的大学和那种没有教授和考试、让年轻人在一起共同生活、互相学习三四年的大学中选择一种,我将毫不犹豫地选择后者……为什么呢?我是这样想的:当许多聪明、求知欲强、具有同情心而又目光敏锐的年轻人聚到一起时,即使没有人教,他们也能互相学习。他们互相交流,了解到新的思想和看法、看到新鲜事物并且掌握独到的行为判断力。”





哈佛强调其本科教育是“非职业专科”(Not Pre-professional),也就是说,一名本科生可以对商业和金融感兴趣并修很多这方面的课,但哈佛并没有一个所谓商业或金融的本科学位授予TA。





3 、教育就是“引出”,让热忱与兴趣适配、链接


书中,吴军举了一个例子:1998年,著名花样滑冰选手关颖珊和美国一名新秀——15岁的高一学生塔拉·李宾斯基(Tera Lipinski)争夺奥运会女子单人滑冠军。决赛中,经验丰富的关颖珊因为紧张而失误,最后屈居亚军,李宾斯基毫无压力、正常发挥,获得了冠军。赛后,两人都接受了采访。李宾斯基说,我当时就想着转呀转呀,结果完全发挥了水平。关颖珊说,我想到了父母、奶奶……为了报答他们,我要好好发挥。













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There has examine over here been no time for the artist to establish his career

We try to stay positive here at Cracked

The state of New Jersey has it first registered in June 2011, and minutes from Lakewood’s planning board show that the company requested variances to subdivide two lots, including the one on which the affected house sits, in 2012 and 2014 first to create eight, then six new lots. Lakewood, about 45 miles south of New York City, has about 50,000 residents. Rescuers described the Cape Cod style residence as a house of horrors, covered in layers of urine, feces and trash. Trash was strewn about a yard of overgrown grass and weeds, and open dog food cans were littered across the backyard. 50 pit bulls seized from home; dog fighting suspected”I’ve never been in a situation that was this bad,” said Healy, who has been president of the rescue group for more than 16 years. “There was not an inch of anything that was saturated and soaked in urine and feces. “. A statement of participation is a printed buyessayonline.ninja certificate available to purchase that shows you have taken part in a course on futurelearn! We try to stay positive here at Cracked, but we’re starting to suspect that the American political system is fucked. We know it sounds crazy, but hear us out Congress’ approval is at an all time low, and a record number of Americans now believe that government corruption is widespread. So how the hell did things get this bad? Viewers went on to call the episode ‘fake’, ‘dull’ and an assortment of other detrimental words not associated with thecritically applauded first episode. Bordering on boring. Got the Edge of Tomorrow references, but dragged out too far. By the 1990s, you could walk past a hoarding and see Marky Mark, six pack a rippling, gripping on to his trophy a naked Kate Moss and wearing his Calvins. And the same brand name was peeping above the waistbands of baggy jeans worn by hip hop acts and their slush pop imitators (East 17 were nothing without their pants). The hybrid boxer brief taking the longer shape of the boxer but maintaining the clingy fit of the brief also emerged. Behind that name switch in 1953 and the switch back to “Reds” before the 1959 season is a story of politics, and American cultural values, and the sometimes odd things we do in the face of perceived foreign or domestic threats. It’s a story both comical and serious, and it’s probably safe to say that many sports fans today know nothing about it. The present day Reds feature a whimsical mascot known as Mr. There was also no difference between TRF length of skin cells and umbilical artery cells (mean difference 0. 095 0. 058 kb;t 1. 63, p 0. 12;n 22). However, the TRF lengths of skin cells were significantly longer than TRF lengths of white blood cells (mean difference 0. 210 0. 054 kb;t 3. 87, p 0. 001;n 20). To further check for synchrony in TRF length among cells from the newborns, TRF length of white blood cells was plotted against TRF length in umbilical artery cells (Fig.

Dr. Ernie Knowles

Dr. Ernie Knowles, associate professor of oceanography at NC State University, can help us put all of this together: “The steep shelf on the West Coast would cause a more abrupt buildup of the shoaling wave (so waves would be ’steeper’ when they break). But the much longer fetch in the Pacific Ocean allows the waves to receive more wind energy, and so they grow larger. In the days leading up to his great fame, Springsteen hung around some with Patti Smith, who also recorded great songs about unforgettable women who were, in some ways, really just figures pulled from older rock and roll songs. These two youngest children of the classic rock explosion upheld tradition by accepting it into their own bodies, which were shaped by the time of flux, the early 1970s, in which they came of artistic age. That era shared some qualities with this one: It was the beginning of an age of fracture that continues to have ramifications on our communities, our political system, and our American sense of self. Dr. Bill Chameides, Dean of Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment since 2007, has combined more than 30 years in academia as a professor, researcher, teacher, and mentor with a 3 year stint in the nonprofit world as the chief scientist of Environmental Defense Fund. The cost of training each university sets itself, it can range paper writer reviews from 800 to 3000 euros per year at state universities and up to 15,000 a year in private ones. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Geophysical Union, and a recipient of the American Geophysical Union’s MacElwane Award. Any skill level can make this blanket, because it largely involves tying knots. That being said, this blanket does take several hours to make. It is tedious to tie that many knots, but don’t let the time requirement worry you! It is a very easy project to work on over a few days or even longer. The Aquarium of the WorldDescribed by Jacques Cousteau as the “aquarium of the world,” the Gulf of California in Mexico is threatened by coastal development, climate change, and other human activities. To learn firsthand what’s going on in and around this marine treasure of global importance, the National Geographic Society sent its top scientists and officials to the region in January 2016. They toured the desert islands off the southeastern coast of the Baja Peninsula and they listened to presentations by more than a dozen experts, including several whose Baja California research is funded by the Society. “If you are concerned about bringing your family to a game, then that is an issue,” said Amy Trask, a former executive with the Raiders who has served on the NFL’s security committee. “It’s not just an issue for one team, it’s an issue for all 32 teams. The teams know this.

If you’re too serious

But then, oh! He should just try it. But fabric’s important. Design matters. And although All Blacks players have to accept whatever new jersey they’re presented with the insincere joy of a child in a third generation Christmas hand me down, it doesn’t mean the rest of us hesitate from playing fashion police. If you’re too serious to ever get on your kid’s level, chances are they will eventually begin to follow your example. After all, our children learn by mimicking. So learn to lighten up from time to time and goof off with your child. “In general and simple terms, tropical cyclones are steered by the large scale, overall flow at the mid and upper levels of the atmosphere,” said Timothy Schott, the Tropical Cyclone Program Leader at the National Weather Service. “At the lower latitudes (below 25 degrees North), this general movement is from east to west. However, in the mid and higher latitudes, this movement is generally from west to east. “. His ordeal was not over. Another initiation ceremony involved a shuttle race in a pub, in which he was stripped to his underpants and forced to eat sheep’s eyeballs and cat food. Someone squirted Tabasco sauce in his eyes. As the defending champion, Djokovic is defending 1,000 points, so cannot gain any more points even if he wins Paris again this year. Murray finished runner up last year, so is defending 600 points. Djokovic drops 1,300 points before having the chance to defend his title at the O2, while Murray loses 200 points after just one group match win last year. Georgeina Hawkes, TaurangaOutside of NZ, Grandfondo Banff 2014 was amazing. Who wouldn’t enjoy seeing the crystal blue waters of Lake Louise, the outstanding peaks of the Banff mountains and of course the smooth tarmac of the Bow Valley all this wrapped into a few weeks, whilst being a little apprehensive of the bears and coyotes. There is endless fun to be had on a bike. Ed Davis, high touted from St. Benedictine’s in Virginia, and a top ten recruit nationally from the class of 2008, has a very sweet lefty quick release jumper at 6′9. The app has a sleep timer, automatic bookmarks, playback speed controls, auto pause and resume for incoming calls, and syncing across www.besttrackingapps.com/samsung-galaxy-s7-vs-iphone-7 your devices. The name he brings to mind is Bill Russell especially with regards to his long arms and picture perfect form on the lefty jumper with a beautiful release on his shot. Ideally, this person has significant experience in this arena, making him or her the perfect person to lead the charge for the charity. Sub committee heads for functions such as budgeting, audio/visual needs, publicity, food/catering, document preparation, donor solicitation, logistics, budgeting and the like should be appointed next. Remaining volunteers can be subdivided into one or more groups as needed to fill gaps and keep the planning process running smoothly.

The undervalued Chris Bosh

The undervalued Chris Bosh seems to be the underestimated Tyrion of the Heatles with the oft injured Dwyane Wade filling the role of the vainglorious, valiant and maimed Jaime. That would leave LeBron James as Cersei, beautiful to behold but terrible in her single minded pursuit of power. United they can seem unbeatable. Shaner has extensive business experience as founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Shaner Hotels and related companies. His roles as a founder of the Company and director since inception provide him with a strong understanding of our industry and the challenges of managing a complex organization such as ours. Mr. https://topspyingapps.com/flexispy? Largent was bad at choosing source material. He stole the idea for his criminal conspiracy from a comedy about a failed crime, and opened his accounts under the names of cartoon characters including Hank Hill and Rusty Shackelford. He was eventually caught when the Patriot Act required the brokerage firms to take a closer look at the identity of their customers, and they presumably noticed one of them was named Spongebob. 13. I want factions. Not a simple aliens vs. Although the MSM purchase was between two Canadian companies, US firms are also keenly interested in the Canadian 3PL market. In August of 2012, XPO Logistics of Greenwhich, Conn. Acquired Kelron Logistics Inc. , a non asset 3PL with operations in Toronto and Vancouver. Who does Kelly think she is? Kelly is the reason that Ziggler is not the champion right now. Vickie has thought about how easy it would have been to just fire Kelly. However, she would rather humiliate Kelly and break her down piece by piece instead. The play is a goof on feminist deconstruction, on the male artist’s terror of impotence. And like much of Ives work, it’s proof that parity can rise to the level of art. Clinching the case on the New York stage was actress Nina Arianda, who negotiated Vonda’s fantastical transitions without breaking a sweat. My workshop has large 4′ x 8′ tables (some linked together to create really big surface areas) that allow me to stand upright and do my work. I have anti fatigue mats that run the perimeter of the tables and cushion my feet against the cold, energy sapping concrete. Personally, I’d much rather work in my own environment listening to music at high volume levels than working on site. Jumpers and vaulters use spikes similar to sprint spikes with a heel spike option. Throwers wear shoes with a smooth, soft rubber bottom with no spikes to enhance their spinning technique. Was 600 feet long, today’s modern outdoor track is oval in shape with a distance set at 400 meters with eight lanes.

When the history of the 2004

When the history of the 2004 Red Sox is written, the hardball poets will cite July 31 as the turning point of the season. That’s right, all you Nomie Krishnas, still wearing those No. 5 jerseys. Well, for all those who miss the little derv burning Skoda I have some good news, because the VW Group is once again making a diesel powered pocket rocket. This time it comes from Audi, which has taken the Audi A1 2. 0 litre turbodiesel engine from an A4 and put it in a body that is 300kg lighter, creating the A1 2. 0 litre TDI Sport. Not that you guess it from our test car bold metallic hue (510) and 16in alloy wheels (155), which combine to make it look smart but certainly not what you call sporty. You jump out of an airplane with a board strapped to your feet. As you freefall, you work against the slipstream to perform acrobatics using the board. Timing is important. Stoke City have the cheapest season ticket in the Premier League at season ticket is the cheapest in the top four divisions in England although this is for 18 24 year old supporters only. League One Bradford City’s is the cheapest available to all supporters. National League side Eastleigh charges most expensive season ticket in Scotland is sold by Celtic, at but that fell in price by this season. “A lot of people would say, Well, it puts a chip on your shoulder,”‘ Tebow said. “I mean, I guess I have a little chip. You want to prove people right. Three different Louis Vuitton Bags mistresses tried her while she was a very young girl, and found Michael Kors Outlet every reason to be satisfied with her conduct. She entered her fourth Louis Vuitton Outlet place, in the family of one Monsieur Dumesnil, when she was twenty Louis Vuitton years of age. This was the turning point in her career; and here Louis Vuitton the strange story of her life properly begins. examine the site. I was walking down the street some years ago when I saw a group of guys gathered around a shopping trolley, pissing themselves laughing. As I got closer, a figure, haloed by a crown of thorns, rose above the blokes, lashed to a make shift wooden crucifix. ‘Jesus’ was drunk as ten homeless men and his mates were trying to balance his crucifix in the shopping trolley because they’d gotten sick of carrying him from pub to pub. The facility is designed according to the company plan, which enables it to build out stages as demand increases. The first of four PODs is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2011, with an initial cost of almost $16 million. Peer 1 says the facility will offer managed hosting, dedicated hosting and colocation services,the first time the company has offered all three of its main services from a facility based in the UK. When PEER 1 completed its flagship Toronto facility in 2010 it said the data center was the first to offer all three of its services. WHIR TV created a series of videos chronicling the construction of the Toronto facility, every segment of which is linked from this page. The new Portsmouth facility, says PEER 1, will have capacity for roughly 1,020 normal cabinet equivalents for colocation, or 20,000 servers for managed and dedicated hosting.

New York is just one of many markets for Equinix

Global data center services provider Equinix announced Monday that the Equinix New York 4 (NY4) International Business Exchange (IBX) data center in Secaucus, New Jersey will serve capital market participants such as exchanges, buy and sell side firms, market data providers, technology utilities and network service providers. NY4 is Equinix largest US data center, which will be 340,000 square feet at full build out about the size of five football fields. move brings all the benefits of the operations CBOE currently has in the Chicago area to the immediate proximity of the leading market participants in the New York area, reducing the latency in an industry where milliseconds can make a significant difference, CBOE executive vice president and chief information officer Gerald O said in a statement. While the organizations are still waiting for a green light from the state Site Evaluation Committee, and CBOE has not yet announced an official launch date for the new exchange, Equinix business development director John Knuff is confident that CBOE new electronic trading platform will launch within Equinix NY4 data center, to the significant benefit of the existing financial trading companies and networks already in the center. Will allow new CBOE customers to place their trading infrastructure within our flexible and high performance data center environment, Knuff said in a statement. With 42 IBX data centers in 18 markets between North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, New York is just one of many markets for Equinix. Whether The Iceman will help Ryder re establish herself as a major force remains to be seen. She seems hopeful, at any rate. “I definitely count my blessings,” she nods. Poliglecaprone 25 has the chemical structure (C2H2O2)m(C6H10O2)n, which forms a complex polymeric chain giving Monocryl its special properties. The monofilament is comprised of a soft segment that consists of a random co polymer of caprolactone and glycolide that provides good handling characteristics. A hard segment, composed of polyglycolide, gives the suture its strength. 3 As a result; the suture possesses excellent handling and knot security, minimal resistance as it passes through tissue, and the highest tensile strength as compared to other absorbable monofilament sutures3,4,5. The Stirrup Pump looked rather like a bicycle pump with a metal foot piece attached and a small hose running from the top. Nokia on the other hand, https://trymobilespy.com/teensafe/ had continually rolled out products that were meant for the entry-level mobile phone market and they have sold like hot cakes. The pump was put into a bucket or the bath, and water passed along the hose and could be directed onto a fire either as a spray or a jet. He was also given a long handled shovel to move any bombs to a safe place or to cover them with sand.

I interviewed Benchley

Ms. Cascio says, “Nannies that are used to earning at the higher end of the salary range, may need to be a bit flexible about the salaries they are requesting. Some families that are involved in investments and banking are not earning they type of commissions that they are used to and thus money isn’t flowing as easily as it once may have. While the idea of cycling without underwear may seem strange and foreign at first, most serious cyclists “go commando” while in the saddle. This is to help avoid the rubbing and irritation that can come from unfortunately placed underwear seams. In fact, most bike shorts have padding and use fabric to wick sweat and moisture away from your body, negating the need to wear underwear. Tough when you come out of an injury and go back into the system and try to get your legs under you. It was a team effort tonight. I wouldn say it was one individual guy. Dan Craig doesn’t really like to be called an ice guru, but he answers to the name. The gray haired senior director of facilities operations for the National Hockey League stood at the edge of the outdoor rink Wednesday before an exhibition game featuring celebrities including Cuba Gooding Jr. And David Boreanaz. I interviewed Benchley, who said the novel grew out of his lifelong interest in shark attacks, including the exploits of Frank Mundus, the Montauk, Long Island sport fisherman who landed a record 3,427 pound (1554kg) great white. But in a later introduction to Jaws he wrote of his research: sharks in one area, killing and killing again? Darn right. Fidel Castro said it was a metaphor for predatory capitalism. Minor Hurlers play O’Tooles on Wed away at 7:30 and Thomas Davis at home on Sunday morning at 11am. Inters play Round Towers (L) at 10:30 whilst Juniors play Templeogue SS at 12noon Sunday morning. Thanks to everybody in the Juvenile section who helped out with the Mini All Irelands. Advice is given under the common sense pretense that water can get in to the tube. But that not the case, he said. Simply does not pass through a hole that small easily. Subscribe to USA TODAYAlready a print edition subscriber, but don’t have a login?Activate your digital access. Manage your account settings. My AccountLog OutFifteen players who could be dealt before the March 2 NHL trade deadline:1. Center Antoine Vermette (Arizona Coyotes): With a limited number of proven centers available, 6 1 Vermette might be the most desirable forward. He’s a two way center and a top faceoff man, a perfect fit for a team looking to bolster its forward group for the postseason. A spy on boyfriends phone using http://cellspyapps.org separate key is generated for each folder protected by safemonk. 2.