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学院首页 > 新闻中心 > 南非官员驳斥世界杯准备不足质疑
作者: 来源:第一家教网 日期:2010.07.08  浏览量:13261




South Africa is ready to host this year's World Cup, said a top official, countering what she described as 'known and unknown sources that are hell-bent' on sullying the nation's image ahead of the massive sporting event.

豪滕省(Gauteng)在南非实力强大。该省省长莫科尼亚内(Nomvula Paula Mokonyane)反驳近期针对南非的批评声音说,对该国世界杯准备情况的负面报道来自于反对派政治家,也来自于国内外的记者。她说,这些人没有认识到,南非取得的进展已经使之达到了与前几届主办国相当的水平。

Nomvula Paula Mokonyane, the premier of South Africa's powerful Gauteng province, rejected recent criticisms of South Africa, saying that negative reports about its readiness for the World Cup came from opposition politicians as well as journalists inside and outside the country. These people fail to recognize the progress that has put South Africa on par with previous hosts, according to the government official.


'Who is besmirching South Africa? We've got a number of South Africans doing that,' she told a group of foreign reporters Tuesday. 'We think we're on a world standard, like other places.'


With only 79 days to go, South Africa is racing to ensure a smooth World Cup and allay concerns that could scare off football fans and tourists.


The monthlong event, to be held at venues around the country, is the first time an African nation has hosted the world football championship. But South Africa is struggling to complete roads and venues on time; set aside sufficient electricity for stadiums; tamp down violent crime and minimize potential terrorism threats.


Meanwhile, the Gauteng government is also dealing with disruptive protests over the lack of water and power in some outlying areas as well as strikes and shootings by informal mini-bus operators who oppose a new high-speed bus system.

'We aren't concerned about protests -- we are living in a vibrant multi-racial democracy,' said Ms. Mokonyane. 'The concern is when protests are accompanied by violence.'


Coupled with the global economic downturn, such concerns pose challenges to ticket sales. After three of five sales phases, about two-thirds of the available tickets for the World Cup have been sold, according to the global football body FIFA.

Officials at FIFA have repeatedly expressed confidence in its World Cup host.

国际足联主席布拉特(Joseph S. Blatter)本月早些时候说,现在整个世界都应该相信南非有能力举办2010年世界杯。

'Now it is time for the whole world to put its trust in South Africa's ability to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup,' the organization's president, Joseph S. Blatter, said earlier this month.


The capital of Gauteng, Johannesburg, will be front-and-center during the World Cup. The city will host the opening and closing ceremonies as well as the first game June 11 and the championship July 11. It will also serve as the main point of entry for foreign tourists arriving in South Africa for the World Cup.

豪滕省还汇集了大量矿业大公司和银行,在南非的经济产出中约占三分之二,也相当于整个非洲产出的十分之一。一些政府批评人士说,南非商界在整个国家发挥的作用提升了世界杯成功举办的前景。商人兼作家、前总统塔博·姆贝基(Thabo Mbeki)的弟弟穆莱齐•姆贝基(Moeletsi Mbeki)说,赛事赞助商、建筑承包商和酒店运营商普遍为私营,它们不存在政府所面临的效率底下问题。

Gauteng province is home to mining conglomerates and banks, and accounts for about two-thirds of South Africa's economic output -- as well as one tenth of Africa's total. Some government critics say the predominant role South African business plays in the country improves the prospects for a successful World Cup. The event's sponsors, building contractors and hotel operators are largely private and unburdened by government's problems with efficiency, says Moeletsi Mbeki, a businessman, author and the brother of former president Thabo Mbeki.


'The South African World Cup will be delivered by the private sector,' he said.


Ms. Mokonyane, Gauteng's top official, said her government has assumed a central role in World Cup preparation. She's been fielding requests from backpacker groups eager to travel the country and Christian evangelists eager to speak to large crowds of football fans. She said the province has shown it can stage global sporting events in rugby and cricket, and isn't daunted by what awaits with the largest of them all: the World Cup.


'We sound very ambitious, but that's because we are a very ambitious nation,' she said.

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