2024年04月25日 星期四
学院首页 > 高考英语 > 社会现象之不诚实
作者: 来源:第一家教网 日期:2010.12.12  浏览量:57085
Nowadays,there are too many terrible phenomenons prevelent in the society,such as disloyalty,dishonesty and greed something else.Today let's simply talk about dishonest.

  Dishonesty can be divided into two types at least.To illustrate in the first place,cheating successfully can make you pass the exam,believe me that won't help you at all.You will not get the repect when you step into the society,because you know nothing but cheating.Now imagining in the second place,in a way,dishonesty can be regarded as lies.Most of malicious lies are written by a selfish heart,only a few of lies are helpful even God will be pretend to close his eyes.

  After all, i suggest people learning how to treat people,the word from God says that how you treat people ,who will treat you in the same way. 

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