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学院首页 > 新闻中心 > 英国最年轻市长:金发美女惊艳亮相
作者: 来源:第一家教网 日期:2010.07.16  浏览量:10671


With her long glossy locks, model good looks and perfect smile, Catherine Bursnall is no doubt not a stranger to cruel 'blonde' jokes.

Catherine Bursnall,标准的金发美女,她自然了解人们对金发美女的种种成见。

But the 29-year-old is now having the last laugh – as she prepares to become England’s youngest mayor.


She will be working alongside her husband, Tom, who is also a local Conservative councillor. The pair have even been dubbed 'TomCat' in reference to the nickname given to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.


Tom, a politics graduate who Catherine met when they were both students at the University of Warwick in 2001 and married at the Windsor Guildhall three years ago, is more blunt about his wife's triumph.


'They underestimated Catherine and probably thought she was a blonde bimbo,' he told the Sunday Express.


‘Our friends mock us because I’ve been more political throughout my life, whereas Catherine’s only been in politics for two years and yet now she’s in higher office than me.’


Catherine agreed: ‘I’ve always been the one walking behind Tom, posting the leaflets through the doors but now it’s the other way round.’


"I won’t be called Mayoress because that’s the name for a mayor’s wife. You’re meant to be Mr Mayor but a lot of women ask to be Madam Mayor. I’d rather just be called Cat."


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