2024年04月29日 星期一
学院首页 > 英语 >  2010小升初英语每日一练(43)
作者: 来源:第一家教网 日期:2010.04.20  浏览量:38239

  1. He thinks the fastest way to travel is by plane. (对画线部分提问)

  ________ does he think ________ the fastest way to travel?

  2. Wang Ling can pass this exam. I can pass the exam, too. (合并为一句)

  ________ Wang Ling ________ I can pass this examination.

  3. I sent a letter to you last month. (改为被动语态)

  A letter ________ ________ to you last month.

  4. Are you tied? My mother asked me. (合并为一句)

  My mother asked me ________ I ________ tired.

  5. "Can you help me carry the heavy box upstairs?" Mr White asks. (改为复合句)

  Mr. White asks ________ ________ ________ help ________ carry the heavy box upstairs.


  1. Lily, you did so ________ in the sports meeting. We are all ________ you.

  A. good; proud of     B. nice; proud for

  C. well; proud of     D. fine; proud in

  2. When I found Miss Lin in the office, she ________.

  A. fell asleep      B. would be falling asleep

  C. had fallen asleep     D. were sleepy

  3. I hear someone ________ at the door. Please go and see who ________ is.

  A. knock; it   B. knocking; it C. knocking; he D. knock; he

  4. Look! A woman with two girls ________ the street.

  A. are crossing  B. is crossing  C. are acrossing D. is acrossing

  5. A businessman from Zhejiang Province plans ________ the first Chinese space tourist by payin $200000 ________ the 3.5-hour ride at the end of 2008.

  A. become; to take     B. become; take

  C. to become; take     D. to become; to take

  6. Can you remember how ________ you were when the Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI spacecraft (航天器)went into space? And how ________ it was when Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng told usabout what they had seen on the trip!

  A. exciting; interested    B. excited; interested

  C. exciting; interesting    D. excited; interesting

  7. "You ________ out the shoes in my size?" I asked ________ surprise.

  A. sold; in   B. have sold; in C. sell; with  D. sell; for

  8. When I ________ the farm, the children had finished ________ the apples.

  A. reached; picking     B. got; picking

  C. came; picked     D. arrived at; to pick

  9. --Listen! Helen ________ in the next room.

  --It ________ be Helen. She has gone to Ji’nan.

  A. sings; won’t      B. is singing; mustn’t

  C. is singing; can’t     D. sings; may

  10. --What are you doing ________?

  --I’m busy ________ my lessons.

  A. lonely; review B. alone; having C. lonely; do  D. alone; reviewing





  Keys: EBDGA

  解析:补全对话的考点是谈话逻辑,说的更直白就是根据提问给出相应回答,或者根据回答选择问题及衔接。做这类题,首先根据 上文 来试选,选定后放进去,再看看和 下文 匹配吗,如果合适,就没有问题了。


  第一句话:Jim, what are you going to do tonight?就可以知道两个人商量今晚的安排,是文章的中心;

  第二句话,对方说‘ I have no idea. What about you?’---我不知道去哪,你觉得呢?

  第1题,  我们根据平时说话逻辑想一下,如果对方问你''今晚我们去那儿?’’回答会是:一个提议,即我们要去干什么事情。那好,我们来看A--G选项,只有E提议了,说 Shall we go to see a film?,到这里还没完,我们看看和下文是否匹配,回答是Sounds good!很搭配啊,就定下 了,选E。下一句话,Sounds good! But I hear there will be a talk at 7:00 in the City Hall.一个人提议看  电 影,对方    说:很好!但是我听说有个演讲,

  第2题,它的下一句回答是The History of Music。你可以推测上句肯定是问了他:你说的那个演讲什么内容啊 ?选B,然后回答:音乐的(发展)历史。

  第3题,它的回答Me, too。可以推测,一定是对方表达了自己对于这个主题的看法(喜欢or讨厌),


  第4题的下一句话回答是, Good idea! 这和第1题很相似,也是提了一个建议,对方评价说:好!只能


  第5题简单,回答是 We have to take a taxi ····是交通方式。提问用how ,选A。


  Keys: 1. Yes. /Yes, they do.

  2. Volleyball.

  3. A camera lens.

  4. They may get hurt.

  5. Doctors can do operations more easily and patients can get well more quickly.


  需要提及的一点是,回答要   精简  。这样可以避免在不必要的地方出错,毕竟写的越多,可能笔误或者有瑕疵的地方就越多,所以这类题的答案简明达意就是上策。




  1.先看问题Do Americans love sports?-----先不管原文,这是个    一般疑问句     ‘ 美国人喜欢运动吗’,回答只有一个单词,Yes/No.  这样就对了,完全没问题,没有必要再写上Yes,they do,当然你这样写也对,但这样你要再找主语指的是谁,用什么代词替代,等等,会增加你出错的概率。

  定位在文章开头,第一句话:Americans love sports。所以回答是Yes.

  2. 问题What sport is Simmons interested in?回原文看,哪里提到Simmons?,快速浏览,在第二段,Kathleen Simmons, who loves playing volleyball。答案就有了!就是Volleyball. 就可以了!


  3. 问题是What did the doctor put inside Simmons’ knee?回原文,第四段,her doctor didn’t have to open her knee. Instead he put a very small camera lens (镜头) inside her knee.答案就有了,是 A (very)camera lens。

  4.问题是 What problem may people have when they play sports?在文章第一段就提,····hurt their elbow·····,,····hurt a knee····,等等,可以概括,运动容易受伤嘛。所以答案是They may get hurt。相同意思都可以。

  5.这题有点难度,必须涉及两方面。问题 What’s the advantage(优点)of the new science?第三段提到get people back ····· much faster. 第四段her doctor didn’t have to open her knee. Instead he put a very small camera lens (镜头) inside her knee. 这种新技术对于医生和病人都有好处。相同意思都可以。


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