2024年04月30日 星期二
学院首页 > 关于小语种的学习 >  2010小升初英语每日一练(50)
作者: 来源:第一家教网 日期:2010.04.20  浏览量:46411



  (    ) 1. A. sour  B. young   C. hour   D. our

  (    ) 2. A. pig  B. potato   C. horse   D. sheep

  (    ) 3. A. Mon.  B. Wed.   C. A.M.    D. Fri.

  (    ) 4. A. pork  B. fish   C. beef   D. onion

  (    ) 5. A. sour  B. salty   C. sweet   D. swim


  The term home schooling means educating children at home or in places other than a normal setting suchas a public or private school. There are many reasons why parents choose home schooling for their children. Some parents are    1    with the quality of education in the public schools. Others do not want their children to have to worry about “peer pressure”, or social pressure from friends. They say it may have a(n)    2    effect on the child’s studies. These parents    3    this type of pressure will lead to bad behavior such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. Bullying(欺负) from other students is another concern. Still other parents choose this type of    4    for religious reasons. Whatever the    5    may be, it is evident that more and more children are being taken out of normal schools every year.    6   , many questions have emerged, encouraging the debate over home schooling against public schooling.

  What then is the future of education? Will this new model of schooling replace normal schools? Will computers and the Internet    7    our classrooms and teachers? As the debate continues, so do the questions about what home schoolers are studying at home. How can parents ensure that their children are prepared    8    for college? How are home schoolers assessed to make sure they are getting the same educational standards that school students must have?

  Finally, there are questions regarding the children’s emotional development. Are they too    9    their fellow students? Are they    10    the opportunity to get the social benefits of being in a large classroom of students? As with any debatable issue, the answers to these questions are neither simple nor one-sided.

  (    ) 1. A. patient     B. familiar         C. pleased          D. dissatisfied

  (    ) 2. A. active       B. contrary       C. important       D. negative

  (    ) 3. A. care          B. fear             C. wish               D. deny

  (    ) 4. A. activity      B. education     C. behavior         D. belief

  (    ) 5. A. effects       B. suggestions  C. reasons         D. pressures

  (    ) 6. A. As a result   B. On the whole C. After all        D. On the contrary

  (    ) 7. A. replace       B. reserve           C. represent      D. release

  (    ) 8. A. gracefully    B. emotionally      C. academically  D. financially

  (    ) 9. A. free from    B. isolated from    C. related to    D. close to

  (    ) 10. A. providing   B. making            C. taking         D. losing





  1.考点是use 作为实义动词讲的,并且是被动语态,be used to do被用作......,本题的意思是电梯是用于········,所以答案选择C. go,

  2.when 多数的用法是   主句过进行,从句一过(一般过去时)。首先区别,sleep是动词,asleep是形容词,过去进行时的结构是be+doing,所以对于是形容词的A.D.排除,对于C,fall   asleep 意思为: 入睡,睡着,指进入了状态了。意思解释不通。所以选B. was sleeping。

  3.首先A. on both side 错误,应是sides;B. on each sides 错误,应是side,只选C. on both sides。D选项的every指三者及三者以上的每一个,道路有两边,与事实不符。

  4.考点 spend 用法,spend +钱,时间+(on) doing sth.从结构上排除BD。另外,根据意思,是建设新机场,维修旧机场,选C. building; repairing。

  5.只根据后一个空就可以定下答案,I’m sure we will enjoy ________.我们会玩的愉快。玩的愉快----enjoy  oneself,对象是we,所以是enjoy ourselves。


  keep sb. doing (保持)使某人一直做某事

  keep sb. from doing  阻止某人做某事,选项D. keep us from win,应是winning

  stop  sb. doing   阻止某人做某事

  stop  sb. to do     让某人停下手中的事去做另外一件事

  选择:B. stop us winning

  7.and 并列词,前后结构一样,后面是and meet,所以横线处填上动词词组,排除BC,A. Be sure  to do ,表示不要忘记,一定要····,符合题目。 D. Make sure查明,确定,意思不符。

  8.食物保存用的是单词keep,选择D. must be kept

  9.温暖的地方是somewhere (anywhere)warm,这是表示请求的疑问句,用somewhere ,选D.somewhere warm

  10. keep 有饲养动物的意思,考点是词汇,选择C. kept; producing。


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