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学院首页 > 英语学习 > 每日时事英语新闻(28):王家岭矿难救援创奇迹
作者: 来源:第一家教网 日期:2010.04.20  浏览量:19384


  Miracle rescue from flooded mine   王家岭矿难救援创奇迹

  导读:5日凌晨,王家岭矿难中的115名被困工人(trapped worker)获救,现场掌声雷动,泪水纵横。这是一道万众瞩目的生命之门:1个,2个……115个,这扇升井大门一次又一次地开启,一个个被救工人从这里救出,见证着生命的奇迹。

  周一是中国传统的清明节,人们在这一天祭奠逝去的亡灵。 Monday was China's traditional "Tomb-Sweeping Day", when people mourn their dead.

  但今年清明也成为全国上下欢欣鼓舞的日子,山西王家岭矿难中,被困井下超过一周的115名矿工终于获救。 But it also became a day for national celebration, when rescuers saved 115 workers who were trapped for more than a week in the flooded Wangjialing Coal Mine in Shanxi province.

  周一零时许,第一批获救的九名矿工成功升井。同日清晨,事故抢险指挥部新闻发言人刘德政向记者们表示:“这是个奇迹。” "It's a miracle," Liu Dezheng, spokesman for rescue headquarters, told reporters on Monday morning after the first nine miners were taken out shortly after midnight.

  “我们坚信会有更多奇迹发生。” "We believe more miracles will happen."

  中午时分,第二批获救的106名矿难幸存者被抬出。 At about noon, rescuers carried out the second batch of 106 survivors.

  在央视的报道中大家注意到,一名获救矿工在升井后从被中伸出双手。 One of the rescued workers raised his hands from beneath his blanket as he was lifted from the pit on a stretcher, footage from State broadcaster CCTV showed.

  为表达获救的喜悦,他鼓掌并试着握住自己的救命恩人。 The survivor clapped his hands and tried to reach for his rescuers in an expression of joy.

  在电视画面中我们可以看到,这些被抬上急救车的工人们身上包裹着厚被;为防止亮光对眼睛的突然刺激,一些工人蒙着眼罩。 The rescued workers were wrapped in blankets at the scene and some of them had their light-sensitive eyes covered as they were rushed to ambulances.

  救援人员们也相拥在一起,留下喜悦的泪水。 Rescuers also hugged themselves and shed tears of joy.

  山西省省长王君、国家安全监管总局局长骆琳纷纷表示这次救援是中国矿难救援史上的一次奇迹。 Both Shanxi Governor Wang Jun and State Administration of Work Safety Director Luo Lin called the rescue "a miracle" in the history of China's coal mine rescues.

  骆琳说:“坚定的求生意志使得受困井下的矿工得以熬过8天8夜。” "The trapped miners displayed an unwavering determination down the mine shaft to live through eight days and eight nights," Luo said.

  救护队员陈永生告诉记者,被困人员在井下靠吃木屑,树皮,喝凉水来维生。 The workers survived underground by subsisting on sawdust, tree bark and turbid water, rescuer Chen Yongsheng told reporters.

  据一名幸存工人讲,大水冲进矿井时,他被水流冲到某处。为了防止被淹死,他将腰带挂在了矿壁上。 One survivor said the flood torrents in the mine swept him to a spot where he had to hang from tunnel walls by his belt to avoid drowning.

  在水中泡了三天三夜后,他与其他8名工友一起爬上了两辆随水流而来的矿车上,最终他们漂到了井中一处水浸不到的地方。 After being in the water for three days, he climbed into two passing mine carts with eight other men and floated to a section of the tunnel where it was dry.

  上周日晚10点左右,这些受困人员被发现,随即一支救援小组乘坐橡皮艇展开营救。救援队员王某在接受CCTV采访时表示:“该部分的水位仍旧很高,空间十分有限我们无法靠近他们。” A rescue team on an inflatable boat headed for the workers after they were spotted at about 10 pm on Sunday, a rescuer surnamed Wang told CCTV. "The water level in the section was still high and left little room for us to edge closer to them," he said.

  他说,在意识到橡皮艇无法向前靠近后,救援小组向受困人员投出救生索。 The team threw lifelines to the trapped men after realizing that the boat could not move any further, Wang said.

  幸存者被救上船后,纷纷询问他能不能带自己离开矿井。 Once the survivors found themselves in the boat, Wang said he was asked whether he would take them out of the pit.

  王某说:“我向他们承诺,只要我能出去就一定会带他们出去。” "I promised them that they would be lifted out as long as I could get out," Wang said.

  周一凌晨,天还未亮时,获救人员被抬上了急救车,一名矿工向医生表示要给家人打个电话。 After being carried into an ambulance before dawn on Monday, one of the survivors told doctors he wanted to call his family.

  一名现年45岁的生还者说:“我有两个女儿和一个儿子,我必须在矿上挣钱来养活他们。”他被送往山西铝厂职工医院,该院共收治了35受难矿工。当地共有五家医院参与了受难矿工的救治工作。 "I have two daughters and a son. I have to work in the mine to earn money for them," said another 45-year-old survivor who was taken to the Shanxi Aluminium Plant Hospital, which admitted 35 survivors from the mine. The hospital is among five local ones treating the workers.

  一名27岁的生还者说:“重见天日的感觉真是太好了。” "It's great to be up on the surface again," said one 27-year-old survivor.


  clap 拍手, 鼓掌
  inflatable boat 充气橡皮艇
  mine shaft 矿井
  mourn 哀悼
  pit 煤矿, 矿坑
  sawdust 木屑
  stretcher 担架
  subsist 靠...维生
  torrent 奔流, 急流
  turbid 浑浊的

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