2024年05月19日 星期日
学院首页 > 感悟生活 > 三轮车夫考取复旦博士研究生
作者: 来源:第一家教网 日期:2010.07.14  浏览量:3035


Pedicab driver adopts for doctor's degree by Fudan University


Cai Wei, a pedicab driver, shows the notification of admission to Shanghai's prestigious Fudan University for doctor's degree studies of Chinese ancient documents, in Jinzhou City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, July 16, 2009.

Cao Wei only obtained a high school diploma and went to work in a factory, where he was laid off in 1994. He studied ancient documents and published articles in online forums. Impressed with Cai's knowledge, Fudan's professor Qiu Xigun, a prominent academic in the field of ancient documents, recommended him to attend the doctor recruitment exam.

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