2024年04月26日 星期五
学院首页 > 英语 > 英语短文改错分析及答案解析
作者: 来源:第一家教网 日期:2010.04.21  浏览量:47033








  (三)错题类型 形式上看,错词的占7行,多词1行,缺词1行,正确的占1行。



  第二部分:应试策略  原则:不求面面俱到,但要重点突出。

  (一) 改错单项训练:

  1. 动词时态语态

  1) I receive your letter the other day.

  2) His careless driving costs him his life.

  3) Tom’s father doesn’t go to the party unless he is invited.

  4) I’ll be wait for you at the gate. See you then.

  5) Dinosaurs were disappeared in the old times.

  2. 名词

  1) I’ll work hard so that I can get good marks in all my subject.

  2) It’s dinner time. The Brown’s are sitting at table.

  3) We can learn a lot of good knowledges in school today.

  4) What a great fun it is to travel in space.

  5) She said she and my schoolmates all wished me a success.

  3. 代词

  1) The young should try to build his country more beautiful..

  2) Have you finished homework?

  3) His book is quite different from me.

  4) This will make you good to have some outdoor exercises.

  4. 冠词

  1) The Christmas Day is quite different from Spring Festival.

  2) Tom is a honest ,clever boy.

  3) The two women had the supper by Changjiang River.

  4) There is Mr. Lee waiting for you at the school gate.

  5) Cleaning workers in most cities are paid by an hour.

  5. 形容词副词

  1) He is by far the clever student in our class.

  2) Which is much cheap, this one or that one?

  3) John studies much more harder than any of the others.

  4) I met a young lady who was clear cold on top of the mountain and gave my coat to her.

  5) “Who did it?” the boss shouted angry.

  6. 连词

  1) I’m sorry, I have such little money on me.

  2) Having read the magazine, so he put it in its place.

  3) Because it was too hot, so Mary opened the window.

  4) Although he knew the answer, but he didn’t answer it.

   7. 非谓语动词

  1) Hearing her name calling, she rushed out of the room.

  2) The girl is very shy, and never speaks until speaking to.

  3) The surprising look on his face suggested that he hadn’t expected that.

  4) I lay down again with my head covering.

   8. 定语从句

  1) I’m going to see the film I missed it last Friday.

  2) My father has two brothers , both of them are all Party members.

  3) I don’t like the TV set took him so much money.

  4) I was told to go there at once, that I followed.


  Yesterday was my birthday, because some        1____________

  of my classmates send me presents. Mother       2______________

  prepared for a tea party for me. I invited all of     3______________

  them to come and took part in it. The tea         4. ______________

  party began at half past six. There was cold       5. ______________

  drinks and refreshments. We ate, talking and      6. ______________

  laughed. We felt that they were the happiest       7. ______________

  men in the world. Time passed quick. In          8. ______________

  a twinkling, clock on the wall struck nine.        9. ______________

  We could not but say "Good-bye" to one another.  10. ______________ 


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